China's latest clean energy news

In its 14th FYP for energy, Inner Mongolia energy bureau has stated that it will control the development of coal. The bureau plans to forbid new coal mines on grasslands, optimize and enhance the coal production capacity of Ordos City, continue …

The Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau issued the guidance for the province’s energy work for the year 2022. By the end of 2022, the total installed power capacity will reach about 180 GW including 70 GW of new energy, accounting for about 38% …

Ruian and Wenzhou city representatives met with representatives of China Resources (Huarun) and Huadian to discuss the grid connection plans of the 300MW Ruian offshore wind farm as well as the 3.5 GW Huarun Ruian fishery-PV hybrid project. With a …

Tencent recently published its ‘Carbon Neutrality Target and Roadmap Report’. The group plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2030 according to a principle of ‘Emissions reduction and green power first, emissions offsets second’. To accomplish this, it notably plans to …

Fujian has recently published its 1,587 provincial key projects for 2022, with a total investment of 4.08 trillion CNY and an annual planned investment of 616.8 billion CNY. Among them. , 6 offshore wind projects were listed representing a total …

State Grid (SGCC) and China Southern Power Grid Corporation (CSG) recently announced the power purchase prices for 27 provinces and municipalities for March 2022. While the general upward trend of peak to valley gap prices across China has slowed, the …

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